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First Week of Lessons

Helen R. Weems Piano Studio 5473 Green Dory Lane, Columbia, MD, United States

Studio year begins August 21 this year, and runs to June 27.

MSMTA High School Piano Examination Day 1


Big day for advanced students who are extremely prepared.  Deadline for this event is March 31.  If/when we return to in person multiple day exams, please let me know which day and time works best for you.


Rita’s Repertoire Class

Helen R. Weems Piano Studio 5473 Green Dory Lane, Columbia, MD, United States

Rita's Rep!


Kick-Off Repertoire Class

Helen R. Weems Piano Studio 5473 Green Dory Lane, Columbia, MD, United States

OUTDOORS,  BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR!! WELCOME BACK. PLAY WHAT YOU WISH! Come ready to play something for the Keyboard Exam, or that you played at the last repertory class.


Fall Repertoire Class

Helen R. Weems Piano Studio 5473 Green Dory Lane, Columbia, MD, United States

Everyone's chance to get ready for the Keyboard Exam and any other early recital opportunities.


MSMTA Keyboard Examination

Various local studios , United States

All students in this studio are expected to take this exam at least up to Level 5, and those in the studio know that most students take it up until graduation.  Six students (and counting) have taken it to Level 10!  These live exams take place in my colleagues' local studios: make sure to specify which day, and whether you…


Brian Ganz Master Class at the MSMTA Conference


This Master Class will be held at the studio of Dr. Junko Takahashi in Silver Spring, and broadcast to the membership of MSMTA live.  If anyone in the studio is chosen to play for Mr. Ganz, we will all want to watch!  Email me for zoom information.


GCMTA Piano Master Class

First Evangelical Lutheran Church 3604 Chatham Rd, Ellicott City, United States

Greater Columbia Music Teachers Association is hosting a Master Class this fall, with clinician Dr. Michael Adcock. Please consider attending the Master Class.  It is only $5 for students to audit, and their parents (the drivers) are free! To audition to perform for the clinician, please speak to Madame Hélène.  If you are chosen (via an audition process, deadline October…


Brian Ganz – Concert Outing!

Christ Episcopal Church 6800 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD, United States

Local boy done very, very, very good.  The mantle of Chopin Authority has been passed to this gentleman, and he wears it with aplomb.  Brian Ganz is your Chopin man.  Ticket price (which is very modest) is for an adult, who receives a free accompanying ticket for attending youth.  Further, teenagers are free by themselves!  Tickets are available to purchase…



Helen R. Weems Piano Studio 5473 Green Dory Lane, Columbia, MD, United States

I have asked my esteemed colleague, Dr. Bok Hwa Kim, to hold a master class for my studio exclusively.  We have scheduled this event for Sunday, November 24 at 3pm, in my studio.  I encourage ALL my students to audit, and my more advanced students to prepare something for her. Bok Hwa Kim was a student of the great Leon…
